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Law is a profession that has been needed throughout the history of mankind, because from the very origin of the human being, he has needed to fight for situations, things, goods, deals and behaviours of which he has considered that he has rights, although perhaps in its beginnings it was not known as law, if there was what over time would begin to be known as rules, which actually began to form part of the law that we know today.

The origin of the profession of Employment lawyer

The fact of doing work for someone else was constituted since ancient times in a relationship, what today is called an employment relationship, and that since those ancient times these relationships entailed rights and obligations on the part of the two sides that entered into that relationship, everything concerning that relationship is what is part of the work of an Employment lawyer, because those affected either on one side or the other of these relationships require someone who knows the processes that the same relationship entails.

Because doing activities for others required compensation of some kind, and because the one who received the benefit of those activities had to compensate the one who carried them out, the first customs were implemented almost by themselves, for example the value of a certain activity was compensated with a certain good, object, food or service.

In this way, the customs became rules, which due to the dynamism of society became more and more frequent, until these rules became laws, which in itself gave rise to the speciality of labour law, and with it the branch of law that dealt with matters directly related to labour relations, and as every profession since ancient times has required someone who specializes in carrying it out, the Employment lawyer was born, to attend to and satisfy all the needs that both parties in labour relations require.

In this way, an Employment lawyer acquires the knowledge to protect the rights of the party he represents, guaranteeing that the benefits he obtains from the employment relationship he has entered into are respected and that he can enjoy them in their entirety.

Howard Levitt | Employment and Labour Lawyers Toronto
130 Adelaide St W #801
Toronto, ON M5H 3P5